Laura Bow Omnipedia Wiki

The Study Room is located on the ground floor of Henri Dijon's mansion. It is situated west of the Library, with a door leading to the outside.

The Study room is where Henri Dijon's weapon collection can be found in a cabinet. In addition, a glass case containing a derringer pistol can be found on the desk.

Act I[]

Fifi can be seen dusting various bits of furniture and scenery after she leaves the Colonel's room upstairs. At this point, she has little to say to Laura Bow.

Act II[]

When Laura Bow catches Clarence Sparrow and Wilbur C. Feels in a discussion outside the Study Room, they realize Laura is listening in on them and pass through the Study to find a place where they are more likely to be able to have their discussion undisturbed. When Laura follows them inside, they realize there is no privacy there either, and pass through the Library and decide to conclude their discussion in the Dining Room.

Act IV[]

Lillian Prune is seen looking in the cabinet containing the weapon collection. When Laura Bow walks in on her, she sits down on one of the chairs and remains there for the rest of the act. Laura can then ask Lillian about the other characters, character pairings, items found, and matters related to the history of Misty Acres such as Sarah Marie Crouton.

Act VI[]

The dagger is missing from the cabinet containing the weapons collection.

Act VII[]

The glass case on the desk has been shattered, and the derringer is missing.