Laura Bow Omnipedia Wiki

Laura Bow (series) (also known as the Laura Bow Mystery series, and Laura Bow Mysteries) is a two part series of mystery adventure games developed and published by Sierra On-Line from 1989 to 1993. Created by Roberta Williams, these thriller games features exploration, investigative detective work, insightful interrogations, inventory-based puzzles, and a sense of humor. They also include themes of mystery, murder, and pop cultural references. The franchise is currently owned by Activision.

The The Colonel's Conquest and The Dagger of Amon Ra can be purchased at Good Old Games. The original physical copies of the games are a little harder to obtain, but they can be found at online stores such as Amazon and EBay. There are also several fan inspired games which have either been released, or are in production. Check out the Fan Main Page.

List of Laura Bow Games[]

Official Games[]

Laura Bow Collections[]

Other Games[]

External Links[]