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Larry Laffer  (aka Leisure Suit Larry) is the main character of the Leisure Suit Larry games


Larry Laffer was interested in Shelly LeBlanc, one of Henri Dijon's neighbors in the bayou. He even dated her once. They went to a movie with him, but had to say no to his advances over and over again.

Larry also competed in card games with Henri Dijon, The Kid, Shelly, Bulldog, Graham and others. Later he also competed with Laura Bow first in board games and later in card games. Across time and space he was also able to compete in board games with Ethel Prune (before she died) in the Hoyle program.

Behind the scenes[]

If you try to use the toilet in Dijon mansion the game pauses saying 'excuse me' and then saying 'Well! Did you think this was Leisure Suit Larry?