Laura Bow Omnipedia Wiki
John Bow

John Bow is the father of Laura Bow.

He is a New Orleans cop now police detective. He gives her daughter Laura Bow advice on how to be a detective. He appears in The Colonel's Bequest and The Dagger of Amon Ra.

Yvette Delacroix doesn't remember him, but suggests its possible they once had an affair, but she's had an affair with many men she doesn't remember. This is however unlikely as its not within John Bow's character as far as we know, and they are in completely different states.

John's Epilogue[]

Worst Ending[]

Stunned by Laura's total failure and the unfortunate event that occurred to her later that evening, John Bow spent his remaining years in a New Orleans mental institution.

Bad Ending[]

Pleased that Laura found the Dagger of Amon Ra, John Bow took you out to dinner to celebrate. After the unfortunate event that happened to her later that night, John spent the rest of his life in a mental institution in New Orleans.

Good Ending[]

Pleased that Laura solved the murders, even though she couldn't jail the thief who stole the Dagger of Amon Ra, her father took her out to dinner to celebrate.

Best Ending[]

Thrilled with Laura's success, John Bow spent the rest of his life telling people what a wonderful daughter she was and how he had taught her everything she knew about criminology.