Ernie Leach is an African American worker who works at the Leyendecker Museum as a janitor and a maintenance engineer to pay off his gambling debts.
Ernie was born and raised in New York. He fought against the Germans in World World I, returning to the United States with a plate in his head and a chest full of medals. He had a tough time finding a job after the war, hanging around speakeasies to pass the time. His first job was working the 12th Street Docks, where he was treated poorly and nearly got crushed by a fallen crate before quitting. He then became a janitor for the Leyendecker Museum, enjoying the peaceful nights and all of the interesting things within.
He is in love with a young woman named Yvette Delacroix.
He has a cousin named Bobby, who works in a mine in Pennsylvania. He also has a Grandma and Grandpa who live with pigs in Glens Falls.
Act III[]
Ernie introduces himself to Laura, and reassures her that Dr. Carrington gave her permission to stay at the museum to interview the staff. He also had the key to the front door of the museum, but loses them later during the night.
At around 9:00 PM, he catches Ziggy wondering the bottom level of the museum, a place where only employees are allowed in. Ziggy claims he was given permission by Dr. Carrington to look around, but Ernie isn't convinced. He threatens to toss Ziggy out, prompting him to leave.
He later spends some time with Yvette in his office. The two discuss his gambling debt and how he needs to pay back a loan shark named Icepick, with Ernie's fencing side business with Big Al not earning him enough. Ernie also alludes that he saw something that he wasn't supposed to, but quickly changes the subject towards Yvette's Eiffel Tower tattoo. They then share an intimate moment.
Sometime between 2:00 and 2:15 PM, Laura discovers the body of Ernie Leach draped over the husk of the Mastodon skeleton at the Dinosaur Mastodon Exhibit.
Act VI[]
During the Coroner's Inquest, was discovered that Detective Ryan Hanrahan O'Riley had murdered Erinie Leach by pushing him into one of the alcohol vats at the Alcoholic Preservation Lab before placing him on the Mastodon. Ernie found the Dagger of Amon Ra and thought about pawning it to take care of his debt.
Ernie's fencing side business was also revealed during the inquest, with the Coroner, Henri Le Mort, acknowledging that he paid Ernie to build a nice fence around his house.
Ernie's Epilogue[]
As fond as he was of the Leyendecker, Ernie Leach noted in his Will that he wanted his body donated to the museum. His body now resides in numerous small jars of alcohol which will be placed on display in the new Hall of Internal Biology, adjacent to the Hall of Late Mammals.
Ernie's Unused Dialogue[]
- (Ask about Press Pass) I imagine that press pass lets you go all sorts of interesting places, Miss Bow.
- (Ask about Work Boot) I have a pair of work boots, but that one isn't mine.
- (Ask about Animal Hair) Those look like some kind of animal hairs to me. Maybe some kind of a pig. My Grandma lives upstate, in Glens Falls, and she has pigs.
- (Ask about Bifocals) My dear old Grandma wears those. She says they help her read better, but I think she wears 'em to keep a sharper eye on Grandpa!
- (Ask about Red Hair) Red hairs, huh? They might have come from our new stuffed baboon family.
- (Ask about Yvette's Shoe) It looks like one of Miss Delacroix's shoes. You might ask her about it.
- (Use Work Boot) No, thanks, it's not my size, and I've got more than one foot! Ha ha ha!
- (Use Smelling Salts) Phew! That woke me right up!
- (Use Bifocals) Oh, no thanks, Miss Bow. My eyes are fine.
- (Use Red Hair) Did those come out when you combed your hair, Miss Bow? You seem kind of young to be losing your hair.
- (Use Yvette's Shoe) Why, that looks like one of Miss Delacroix's shoes!
- (Use Grapes) No, thanks. I'm not too hungry right now.