Enclosure is a Laura Bow-like horror mystery game created by Femo Duo Entertainment (the creators of Hank's Quest - Victim of Society), and it was released on October 09, 2002. A walkthrough is included in game's download.
On July 2, 2022, a 3D remastered version of the game was released for free as Enclosure 3-D.[1]
Mike Goodman, along with his girlfriend Sarah, is a con artist who tricks people into thinking he can contact dead spirits. When he is offered $ 10,000 to accompany a millionaire to an oil drilling station in Greenland, he doesn't hesitate. The station, however, is rumored to be haunted and things soon get worse.
- Mike Goodman: The protagonist.
- Sarah Parker: Medium rookie and Mike's girlfriend
- William Mayfield: Leader of the expedition
- Charles Benson: Doctor
- Owen Carter: Paranormal Investigator
- Watson Dustove: Cook
- Lisa McIntyre: Spirit Guide
- Ben Green: Biochemist
- Chin Sung Lee: Paranormal Scientist
- Frank Bates: Chief of Security
Trivia and Oddities[]
- The setting for Enclosure was inspired by John Carpenter's The Thing.
- A somewhat amateur Spanish translation was done by Maquiante2491 .
- A debugging table has been found in the game's Logic 93, but as of yet, it is unknown how to activate it.
- If you have been walking aimlessly for a while, a message will appear giving you advice on what to do. This is given by "the wise man from the living forest" who is actually Reptile from Mortal Kombat.
- If you talk to Watson at a certain point when he's at the bar, a reference will be made to Laura Bow.
- After finishing the game you will be able to see some bloopers from behind the camera with the characters breaking the fourth wall.
- The game comes with a NAGI executable to run on current operating systems. It is also supported by ScummVM, but it is not possible to run it with DOSBox.
External Links[]
- Femo Duo Entertainment
- Femo Duo Entertainment, Enclosure download
- Mausimus, Itch, Enclosure 3-D download
- SCI Programming, Enclosure
- AGI Wiki, Enclosure